What is Level Z in iReady? In i-Ready, Reading and Math lessons are usually labeled with levels from A through H, roughly corresponding to grade-level ranges (with Level A typically representing kindergarten content, moving upwards to Level H for middle school). However, some users encounter a “Level Z.” Placeholder for Advanced or Non-Standard Content “Level […]
Category: School Platforms
These are the iReady Diagnostic Scores By Grade Level for Reading in 2024-2025, in Percentiles. Fall 2024-2025 – i-Ready Diagnostic Scores By Grade in Reading (Percentiles). Below is Table 1, which shows the Fall i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading percentile-to-score conversion ranges by grade level. These data are based on Diagnostics taken from the beginning of […]
High School and Elementary Schools Grade Levels – Understanding U.S. School Grades. If you’re new to the U.S. education system, you might be wondering: How many grades are in high school? What are the different grade levels in elementary, middle, and high school? How do letter grades (A, B, C) compare to percentage scores? Don’t […]
Flipgrid: A Powerful Tool for Educators. Flipgrid was a highly interactive, video-based platform that empowered teachers and students to create, share, and engage in meaningful discussions through video responses. It provided a dynamic way to promote student voice, collaboration, and engagement both inside and outside the classroom. Many educators appreciated Flipgrid for its user-friendly interface […]
BMI Chart for Children by Age – Boys and Girls – Kids BMI Calculator. Average Height and Weight of Boys and Girls by Age A child’s height and weight are often influenced by genetics, nutrition, and overall health. As parents, understanding how your child is growing can help you ensure they are on a healthy […]
Average Height and Weight of Boys (Male) and Girls (Female). A child’s height and weight are often influenced by genetics, nutrition, and overall health. As parents, understanding how your child is growing can help you ensure they are on a healthy developmental path. The charts below provide average height and weight measurements for boys and […]
What is the Average Height and Weight for a Boy and Girl According to Age? When do boys and girls stop growing, what is the average height and weight for your child’s age, and how tall will your child likely be? Get the answers here. As parents, it’s natural to wonder how your child is […]
CogAT Test: Overview, Questions, and Scoring. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is designed to assess a child’s cognitive development and reasoning skills. Schools often use it to identify gifted students, evaluate academic strengths, and assist in placement decisions. What Does the CogAT Test Measure? The CogAT evaluates cognitive abilities across three main areas: Verbal Battery: […]
NWEA MAP Scores by Grade Level: Fall, Winter, and Spring Chart As a parent, you want to know how well your child is progressing in school. The NWEA MAP Test Scores Chart helps you understand where your child stands academically by comparing their results to national norms. Below, you’ll find a breakdown of MAP scores […]
NWEA MAP Test Scores 2024-2025. As a parent, you want to know how well your child is progressing in school and what their test scores really mean. The NWEA MAP Test Scores by Grade Level for 2024-2025 provide valuable insights into your child’s academic growth. But what is a good NWEA MAP score? And how […]