Category: i-Ready

iReady Diagnostic Scores By Grade Level 2024-2025 (Reading) – i-Ready Percentiles

i-Ready iReady Diagnostic Scores School Platforms Tests

These are the iReady Diagnostic Scores By Grade Level for Reading in 2024-2025, in Percentiles. Fall 2024-2025 – i-Ready Diagnostic Scores By Grade in Reading (Percentiles). Below is Table 1, which shows the Fall i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading percentile-to-score conversion ranges by grade level. These data are based on Diagnostics taken from the beginning of […]

iReady Diagnostic Scores 2024-2025 Chart Table for K-8 Reading Student Percentiles 50-99 - Spring 2024-2025.

iReady Diagnostic Scores 2024-2025 – Reading: i-Ready Percentiles and Diagnostic Scores Chart/Table by Grade K-8


iReady Diagnostic Scores 2024-2025 – Reading. Understanding Your Child’s i-Ready Diagnostic Scores for 2024-2025 – Reading As a parent, you want to know how your child is progressing in their reading skills. The i-Ready Diagnostic Scores and Percentile Charts help you see where your child stands compared to other students nationwide. These scores apply to […]

what is a good i ready diagnostic score for math and reading

What is a Good i Ready Diagnostic Score by Grade? Math + Reading


What Is a Good i-Ready Diagnostic Score? Wondering whether your child’s i-Ready scores are on track? In general, i-Ready Diagnostic scores at or above the 50th percentile are considered “good,” meaning your child is performing as well as or better than most students nationwide. It’s important to understand what a “good” score looks like, because […]

iReady Diagnostic Scores 2024-2025 Chart for K-8 Math Student Percentiles 50-99 - Fall

iReady Diagnostic Scores 2024-2025 – Math: i-Ready Percentiles and Diagnostic Scores Chart/Table by Grade K-8


i-Ready Diagnostic Scores Math 2024-2025. As a parent, you want to understand how your child is progressing in school. The i-Ready Diagnostic Scores provide a valuable way to measure your child’s academic growth in math and reading from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Teachers and educators use i-Ready norms to compare student performance to national averages, […]