
What is the Average GPA in College for Undergraduates (by Majors)?

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Average GPA in College.

Ever wondered what the average college GPA looks like? It actually depends on factors like your school, major, and even specific courses. However, overall, there has been a steady increase in the average GPA for college graduates.

For details on high school GPA averages and Ivy League admission GPAs, check out our Average High School GPA page.

What is the Average GPA in College for Undergraduates?

U.S. College GPA Trends: According to a 2020 study by the National Center for Education Statistics, the average GPA for undergraduate students at four-year U.S. colleges is approximately 3.28. This is close to a B+ average, showing a significant rise compared to 20 years ago, when a C average was more common.

Why the increase? Colleges today may factor in grade inflation, improved academic support, and changing grading policies. Your GPA still depends on your major—some fields are graded more strictly than others!

Want to see where you stand? Keep working hard, challenge yourself with meaningful courses, and stay on top of your academic game!

Reasons for Grade Inflation:

    • Professors may face pressures from student evaluations and parental feedback, influencing them to award higher grades.
    • The increasing cost of college education leads students and parents to expect higher grades, equating them with getting their money’s worth.
    • Private colleges, with an average GPA of 3.3, tend to have higher GPAs compared to public schools, which have an average of 3.1.

GPA Variation by Major in Colleges:

    • Science majors, especially Chemistry, typically have lower average GPAs due to the objective nature of their assessments.
    • Education majors generally receive higher GPAs, possibly due to more subjective evaluation criteria and less precise right or wrong answers in assignments.
    • Grade inflation is more prevalent in non-STEM fields, influenced by factors like student evaluations and expectations for high grades.
    • Mathematics majors have the highest median GPA among college disciplines, standing at 3.43.
    • Employers and GPA: In 2024, fewer employers are considering GPA as a criterion in the hiring process, with less than 40% of them screening job applicants based on GPA.
    • Grad School Admission: GPA requirements for graduate school admissions vary across programs, but a typical minimum GPA requirement is 3.0.
    • Institutional GPA Transferability: When transferring to a different college or university, your institutional GPA usually resets. However, grades from all attended institutions will still appear on your transcripts and are factored into your cumulative GPA.

GPA Measurement:

Colleges often provide two GPA measures – a cumulative GPA that includes all courses and a major GPA that focuses only on courses relevant to the student’s major. These can vary significantly based on the institution and the academic program.

What is the Average College GPA (by Major?)

These are the average GPAs in college, sorted by field of study/major (Median, 2020):

Median GPA by Field of Study:

Undergraduate Field of Study Median GPA
Computer and information sciences
Engineering and engineering technology
Biological and physical science, science tech
Agriculture and natural resources
General studies and other
Social sciences
Personal and consumer services
Manufacturing, construction, repair and transportation
Military technology and protective services
Healthcare fields
Public administration and human services
Design and applied arts
Law and legal studies
Theology and religious vocations

We have visualized the GPA numbers above, from highest to lowest Median GPA for each college major (Field of Study):

what is the average GPA in College by Major
What is the average GPA in college by Field of Study? NCES, 2020.

What is the Average College GPA by Majors in 2024?

There are no national data available for for the average college GPAs, sorted by majors in 2024, but we have included the average GPA scores by all fields of study from the University of Wisconsin in 2024, Spring Semester, as a general guide.

These tables summarize the GPA data for undergraduate students by school/college, gender, and academic year. The first table show GPA for Men and Women, Men Only, and Women Only, for the overall field of study, like Business or Engineering, for Freshmen , Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors.

The subsequent tables show average GPA for exact fields of study, like Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, etc.

Table 1: Undergraduate Semester Grade Point Averages – University of Wisconsin-Madison (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Undergraduate Men and Women by School/College

School/College Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Agricultural and Life Sciences 640 875 1,285 2,956 5,756 3.105 3.291 3.373 3.500 3.394
Business 661 915 1,407 3,164 6,147 3.183 3.344 3.428 3.555 3.447
Education 474 627 800 2,091 3,992 3.349 3.511 3.665 3.746 3.623
Engineering 910 1,139 1,885 4,146 8,080 3.115 3.310 3.377 3.536 3.418
Human Ecology 582 683 887 2,402 4,554 3.432 3.568 3.587 3.590 3.566
Letters and Science 4,104 5,177 6,746 17,159 33,186 3.166 3.429 3.443 3.548 3.460
Nursing 174 165 400 831 1,570 3.309 3.476 3.485 3.464 3.450
Pharmacy 5 40 45 3.750 3.724
Total 7,545 9,586 13,450 32,794 63,375 3.211 3.412 3.452 3.554 3.465

Undergraduate Men by School/College

School/College Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Agricultural and Life Sciences 169 266 402 883 1,720 3.042 3.259 3.398 3.411 3.356
Business 370 496 781 1,756 3,403 3.214 3.362 3.443 3.534 3.449
Education 117 101 185 457 860 3.240 3.403 3.513 3.667 3.506
Engineering 673 816 1,359 2,990 5,838 3.140 3.303 3.369 3.524 3.411
Human Ecology 148 224 300 745 1,417 3.218 3.465 3.476 3.437 3.433
Letters and Science 1,933 2,534 3,379 8,398 16,244 3.109 3.405 3.372 3.467 3.398
Nursing 22 25 70 125 242 3.097 3.547 3.503 3.357 3.410
Pharmacy 2 16 18 3.768 3.711
Total 3,432 4,464 6,492 15,372 29,760 3.137 3.376 3.390 3.488 3.409

Undergraduate Women by School/College

School/College Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Agricultural and Life Sciences 471 609 883 2,073 4,036 3.131 3.303 3.363 3.539 3.409
Business 291 419 626 1,408 2,744 3.135 3.320 3.410 3.583 3.446
Education 357 526 615 1,634 3,132 3.391 3.546 3.694 3.770 3.656
Engineering 237 323 526 1,156 2,242 3.064 3.329 3.397 3.565 3.437
Human Ecology 434 459 587 1,657 3,137 3.515 3.601 3.640 3.664 3.623
Letters and Science 2,171 2,643 3,367 8,761 16,942 3.219 3.451 3.511 3.626 3.517
Nursing 152 140 330 706 1,328 3.329 3.466 3.481 3.487 3.457
Pharmacy 3 24 27 3.737 3.733
Total 4,113 5,122 6,958 17,422 33,615 3.269 3.442 3.507 3.616 3.514


Table 2: Undergraduate Men and Women by School/College – Detailed Programs

Agricultural and Life Sciences GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Agricultural & Life Sciences 143 590 779 1,132 2,644 3.093 3.306 3.401 3.527 3.414
Agricultural Business Mgmt 3 12 14 19 48 3.000 3.184 3.358 3.184 3.184
Biological Systems Engineering 4 15 40 72 131 3.175 3.015 3.071 3.070 3.070
Dietetics 6 23 42 62 133 3.399 3.113 3.251 3.557 3.371

Business GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Business Online 1 6 44 44 95 3.160 2.913 3.259 3.099 3.099
Business Undergraduate 180 655 871 1,363 3,069 3.182 3.345 3.446 3.563 3.455

Education GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Art 30 53 66 85 234 3.488 3.594 3.719 3.789 3.686
Art Education 1 7 28 36 72 3.854 3.596 3.682 3.682 3.682
Bachelor of Fine Arts 22 22 22 3.860 3.860 3.860
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Dance 2 3 1 2 8 3.919 3.919 3.919 3.919 3.919
Bachelor of Science – Dance 9 15 7 13 44 3.713 3.559 3.735 3.641 3.645
Education Studies 7 23 21 44 95 3.303 3.568 3.615 3.700 3.617
Elementary Education 77 151 228 456 3.937 3.951 3.943 3.943
Elementary Special Education 24 24 24 3.961 3.961 3.961
Health Promo and Health Equity 8 66 127 120 321 3.525 3.469 3.615 3.694 3.610
Kinesiology 56 182 238 476 3.578 3.719 3.684 3.684
Kines-Pre-Exer/Pre-Mtr Behvr 66 151 122 22 361 3.175 3.431 3.506 3.448 3.411
Phy Ed – Pre-Phy Ed Tchr Prep 7 7 3.077 3.077
Physical Education 3 15 20 38 76 3.648 3.716 3.659 3.659 3.659
Pre-Art Education 1 7 1 9 3.425 3.413 3.413 3.413
Pre-ElemEdu Spec Edu 2 1 1 4 3.649 3.795 3.702 3.702 3.702
Pre-Elementary Education 37 94 49 3 183 3.357 3.559 3.707 3.557 3.557
Pre-Special Educ & Rehab Psy 2 11 10 23 3.648 3.604 3.735 3.749 3.695
Rehabilitation Psychology 9 35 42 43 129 3.303 3.568 3.615 3.700 3.617
Secondary Education 2 6 15 23 46 3.902 3.828 3.825 3.825 3.825
Special Education 8 8 16 32 3.776 3.851 3.813 3.813 3.813
Theatre & Drama 10 9 12 17 48 3.308 3.352 3.443 3.585 3.439

Table 3: Engineering GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Biomedical Engineering 29 140 159 257 585 3.021 3.352 3.359 3.662 3.473
Chemical Engineering 33 69 96 216 414 3.197 3.248 3.355 3.458 3.372
Civil & Environmental Engrg 16 70 84 121 291 2.945 3.227 3.175 3.519 3.318
Computer Engineering 29 110 150 236 525 3.275 3.299 3.476 3.557 3.460
Electrical Engineering 9 68 127 199 403 3.101 3.376 3.316 3.424 3.373
Engineering Mechanics 10 40 40 80 170 3.257 3.250 3.479 3.425 3.387
Engineering Physics 1 5 9 8 23 3.682 3.581 3.553 3.553 3.553
Engineering Undecided 5 23 7 1 36 3.293 3.495 3.292 3.292 3.292
Environmental Engineering 7 44 44 40 135 3.085 3.215 3.381 3.588 3.377
Geological Engineering 1 4 4 14 23 3.628 3.420 3.420 3.420 3.420
Industrial Engineering 12 62 84 139 297 3.357 3.308 3.494 3.610 3.501
Materials Science and Engr 2 8 21 66 97 3.419 3.077 3.546 3.421 3.421
Mechanical Engineering 52 253 295 475 1,075 3.034 3.340 3.385 3.534 3.421
Nuclear Engineering 6 14 19 33 72 3.151 3.271 3.436 3.390 3.362

Table 4: Human Ecology GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Human Ecology 181 439 442 553 1,615 3.423 3.578 3.600 3.611 3.577
Human Ecology Online 1 7 29 37 3.396 3.621 3.576 3.576
Interior Architecture 5 24 49 78 3.888 3.827 3.840 3.840
Personal Finance 54 118 178 216 566 3.426 3.509 3.502 3.458 3.481
Textiles and Fashion Design 15 19 32 40 106 3.553 3.613 3.671 3.661 3.640

Table 5: Letters and Science GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Applied Math & Engr Physics 12 21 24 57 3.611 3.550 3.213 3.428
General Course – BA Degree 605 1,772 1,861 2,210 6,448 3.214 3.468 3.463 3.561 3.472
General Course – BS Degree 520 2,230 3,027 4,121 9,898 3.103 3.388 3.407 3.528 3.434
Journalism – BA Degree 64 186 248 498 3.642 3.712 3.722 3.707
Journalism – BS Degree 3 14 20 37 3.685 3.645 3.653 3.653
Landscape Architecture 2 6 20 32 60 3.438 3.625 3.431 3.512 3.512
Letters & Science Online 2 1 5 8 3.385 3.385 3.385
Music 5 4 13 8 30 3.879 3.957 3.873 3.873 3.873
Music Cert Prog 11 11 8 30 3.930 3.842 3.983 3.910
Social Work 23 70 93 186 3.407 3.705 3.625 3.625

Table 6: Nursing GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Nursing Accelerated 43 43 3.525 3.525
Nursing Collaborative Program 14 57 71 3.603 3.638 3.631
Nursing Undergraduate 41 278 319 3.387 3.418 3.414
Pre-Nursing 92 174 110 22 398 3.309 3.476 3.507 3.592 3.450

Table 7: Pharmacy GPA (Second Semester 2023-2024)

Program Freshmen Count Sophomores Count Juniors Count Seniors Count Total Count Freshmen GPA Sophomores GPA Juniors GPA Seniors GPA Total GPA
Pharmacology & Toxicology 5 40 45 3.750 3.724


For High School GPA averages, and Ivy school and university admission requirements, please see our High School GPA page.

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8 thoughts on “What is the Average GPA in College for Undergraduates (by Majors)?

  1. MaxT

    hey, just read about the engineering gpa average, is it just me or does it seem a bit higher than expected? anyone else wondering how this compares to like, engineering jobs out there?

    1. LilyR

      Actually the GPA might seem high but remember, theoretical knowledge and practical work can be worlds apart. Higher GPA doesn’t always mean an easier time in the field.

    2. JaredK

      Bet those with the high GPAs can’t fix a printer though, lol.

  2. Elen_deGenerous

    Wow, seeing how the GPA varies by major really opens up your eyes to the different challenges students face. Kudos to all the hard-working students out there!

  3. TK_42one

    everyone’s talking about GPA but does it even matter, like, at all in the real world? got friends with low GPAs doing just fine.

  4. bobby_light

    so if i want to go into business, should i be worried about all these GPA stats? or can i just focus on gettin there and figure it out?

    1. SamanthaP

      It’s always good to be informed, but remember, college is also about growth and finding your path. Focus on your interests and the GPA will follow as you engage with what you love.

  5. NeilGotThis

    Absolutely thrilled to see how well all students are performing across the board! This will be super helpful for my kid deciding on a major. Thanks for the breakdown, i-Ready!

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