Easy Cool Things to Draw

Drawing Ideas for Beginners: Cool, Simple, Easy Drawing Ideas for Kids

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If you’re not sure what to draw, don’t worry! Try these fun and easy drawing ideas. I’ve made a list of great ideas so you can start drawing right away!

Sometimes, it can be hard to think of what to draw, but this list will help spark your creativity! You can use these ideas when you’re stuck or go through them one by one to practice drawing new things.

I love drawing animals like dogs, cats, and pandas because they are cute and easy to draw! Pandas are extra simple since they are mostly black and white. They are my favorite!

Pick an animal from this list and make it even more fun! Maybe put it in a cool place, playing with a toy, or chasing a butterfly.

Have fun and keep drawing!

Drawing Ideas for Beginners: Animals.

  • Panda
  • Cat
  • Koala
  • Horse
  • Dog
  • Fox
  • Goldfish
  • Hamster
  • Butterfly
  • Snail
what to draw
What to draw? Try to draw these animal faces, one by one.

Cute Animal Drawings.

What should I draw? Well, if you are already done drawing the animals above, then here are some more cute animal drawings. Personally, I really enjoy drawing animal faces, because I can give them a personality and expression.

For example, I like varying the expressions, they don’t all have to be cute animal drawings. Try drawing a very angry rabbit or a very friendly lion.

how to draw cute animals cute animal drawings
Try to draw these cute animals drawings. I like the koala, a lot.

Plant Drawings.

I draw a lot of plants, trees and flowers because they’re easy to draw, they look great, and they are really fun to experiment with.

Try to draw these plants:

  • Pine Trees
  • Ferns
  • Sunflowers
  • Roses
  • Palm trees
  • Cactus
  • Different types of leaves, like Oak leaves, Maple leaves, and Chestnut leaves.
drawing ideas for beginners how to draw leaves
Here are some easy drawing ideas for beginners: Study the image to learn how to draw leaves like chestnut leaves and maple leaves.


I think drawing people is pretty hard, because you need to get the dimensions right, arms, legs, heads and eyes. And it is not as easy as you think. But I realized that if I focus on people drawings that have another dominant item in it, then it is easier. I like drawing people with umbrellas, for example.

Try to draw these:

  • A person wearing a giant hat
  • A person with a pet, like a cat or a dog
  • A person eating a cake.
  • A person with an umbrella in the rain.
  • A person with a big bird sitting on his or hers head.
  • A woman with a small head and really big glasses.
  • A man kicking a football.
drawing ideas
More Drawing ideas – Try to draw one of these people.


I love food and I love drawing it! You can combine these food drawings with a man or woman eating them. But I always start with the food drawing itself.

Try to draw these:

  • A Cup of Tea
  • a Birthday Cake
  • Ice Cream
  • Bananas
  • Spaghetti
  • a Hamburger
what to draw easy food drawing ideas
What to draw? Try to draw these easy food drawing ideas. You can add eyes and a mouth to them if you want. Sometimes I will do that, just for fun.


I love drawing landscapes, particularly woods and oceans. Sometimes, I will add an animal, like a whale in the sea or a bear in the woods. Choose a lansdcape first, then this will spark a bunch of ideas for characters or animals to add in the drawing.

Try to draw these:

  • Forest
  • Desert
  • Ocean
  • Mountains.
  • Rolling Hills.
  • Outer Space
  • Road and Horizon
  • Beach
  • Jungle
easy road drawing
Here is a very easy road drawing. I like it because the road is so easy to draw, and it adds perspective, and you can draw any kind of landscape around it. It will be different every time.

I have always enjoyed drawing mountain landscapes. It is very relaxing for me. Here is another mountain drawing idea, with a little house and a tree in the foreground. It works really well for perspective drawing. Notice the rock in the corner that adds to the perspective.

how to draw mountains easy mountain drawing
How to draw mountains the easy way: To perfect this easy mountain drawing, start with the mountains and hills outline. Then, add the tree and house later.

Once you have tried some of the drawing ideas on this page, you can try to make your own list of drawing ideas for when you don’t know what to draw.

And if you ever need more inspiration, you can visit thes other fun drawing pages: 30 Cool Things to Draw, 30 Random Cute Things to Draw, and 30 Cute Things to Draw.

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0 thoughts on “Drawing Ideas for Beginners: Cool, Simple, Easy Drawing Ideas for Kids

  1. willow miller

    can you sent a how to draw cute girls.

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