iReady Diagnostic Scores By Grade Level 2024-2025 (Reading) – i-Ready Percentiles


These are the iReady Diagnostic Scores By Grade Level for Reading in 2024-2025, in Percentiles.

Fall 2024-2025 – i-Ready Diagnostic Scores By Grade in Reading (Percentiles).

Below is Table 1, which shows the Fall i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading percentile-to-score conversion ranges by grade level. These data are based on Diagnostics taken from the beginning of the school year through November 15. Note that these analyses were conducted for the 2022–2023 academic year, and they officially apply to the school year 2024-2025.

iReady Scores Percentile Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
1 100–281 100–303 100–328 100–348 100–367 100–382 100–395 100–404 100–413
2 282–287 304–314 329–340 349–364 368–385 383–401 396–420 405–431 414–445
3 288–291 315–322 341–349 365–376 386–397 402–416 421–436 432–452 446–462
4 292–294 323–327 350–356 377–384 398–405 417–426 437–451 453–463 463–476
5 295–296 328–332 357–361 385–390 406–411 427–437 452–460 464–475 477–486
6 297–299 333–335 362–366 391–394 412–419 438–448 461–468 476–482 487–497
7 300–301 336–338 367–370 395–398 420–424 449–456 469–476 483–491 498–505
8 302–303 339–340 371–374 399–402 425–429 457–461 477–481 492–498 506–512
9 304 341–343 375–378 403–405 430–435 462–467 482–487 499–504 513–516
10 305–306 344–345 379–381 406–408 436–442 468–472 488–493 505–511 517–519
11 307–308 346–348 382–384 409–411 443–448 473–477 494–498 512–514 520–522
12 309 349–350 385–387 412–414 449–452 478–480 499–502 515–517 523–527
13 310–311 351–352 388–390 415–418 453–456 481–484 503–507 518–519 528–530
14 312 353–354 391–392 419–421 457–460 485–488 508–511 520–522 531–534
15 313–314 355–356 393–395 422–423 461–462 489–492 512–514 523–525 535–538
16 315 357 396–397 424–425 463–466 493–496 515–516 526–528 539–541
17 316–317 358 398–399 426–427 467–469 497–498 517–518 529–531 542–544
18 318 359–360 400–401 428–430 470–473 499–501 519–520 532–534 545–547
19 319 361 402–403 431–433 474–475 502–504 521–522 535–537 548–550
20 320 362 404–405 434–436 476–478 505–508 523–524 538–539 551–552
21 321–322 363–364 406 437–440 479–480 509–511 525–527 540–542 553–555
22 323 365 407–408 441–443 481–482 512–513 528–529 543–544 556–558
23 324 366–367 409 444–447 483–484 514 530–531 545–547 559–560
24 324 368 410 448–449 485–487 515–516 532–533 548–549 561–562
25 325 369–370 411–412 450–452 488–490 517 534–536 550–551 563–564
26 326 371 413 453–454 491–492 518–519 537–538 552–554 565–567
27 327 372 414–416 455–457 493–495 520 539–540 555–556 568–569
28 328 373 417–418 458–459 496–497 521–522 541 557–558 570–571
29 328 374 419–420 460 498–499 523–524 542–543 559–560 572
30 329 375 421 461–462 500 525–526 544–545 561–562 573–574
31 330 376 422 463–464 501–503 527 546–547 563 575–576
32 330 377–378 423 465–466 504–505 528–529 548–549 564–565 577–578
33 331 379 424 467–468 506–508 530–531 550–551 566–567 579–580
34 332 380 425–426 469–470 509–511 532–533 552–553 568–569 581–582
35 332 381 427 471–472 512 534 554 570 583
36 333 382 428 473–474 513 535–536 555–556 571–572 584–585
37 334 383–384 429–430 475 514 537 557–558 573–574 586–587
38 334 385 431 476–477 515 538–539 559–560 575 588
39 335 386 432–433 478 516 540 561 576–577 589–590
40 335 387–388 434 479–480 517–518 541–542 562–563 578–579 591
41 336 389 435 481 519 543 564 580 592–593
42 336 390 436–437 482–483 520 544–545 565–566 581–582 594
43 337 391 438 484 521 546 567 583 595–596
44 337 392–393 439–440 485–486 522–523 547–548 568–569 584–585 597–598
45 338 394 441–442 487–488 524 549 570 586 599
46 338 395 443–444 489 525 550–551 571 587–588 600–601
47 339 396 445–447 490–491 526–527 552–553 572–573 589 602
48 340 397 448–450 492–493 528 554 574 590 603–604
49 340 398 451–452 494–495 529–530 555–556 575 591–592 605


iReady Scores Percentile Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
50 341 399 453–454 496 531 557 576–577 593 606
51 341 400 455–456 497–498 532 558–559 578 594–595 607–608
52 342 401 457–458 499 533–534 560 579–580 596 609
53 343 402 459 500–501 535 561 581 597–598 610
54 343 402 460–461 502 536–537 562–563 582–583 599 611–612
55 344 403 462 503–504 538 564 584 600 613
56 345 404 463 505–506 539 565–566 585 601–602 614
57 345 405 464–465 507–509 540–541 567 586 603 615
58 346 406 466 510–511 542 568 587–588 604 616
59 347 407 467–468 512 543 569–570 589 605 617–618
60 348 408 469 513 544–545 571 590 606–607 619
61 349 409 470–471 514 546 572 591–592 608 620
62 350 410 472–473 515 547 573 593 609 621
63 351 411 474 516 548–549 574–575 594 610 622
64 352 412 475 517 550–551 576 595–596 611 623–624
65 352 413 476–477 518 552 577–578 597 612–613 625
66 353 413 478 519 553–554 579 598 614 626
67 354 414 479–480 520 555 580 599 615 627–628
68 355 415 481–482 521–522 556–557 581–582 600–601 616 629
69 356 416 483 523 558 583 602 617–618 630
70 356 416 484–485 524–525 559–560 584 603 619 631
71 357 417 486 526 561 585–586 604–605 620 632
72 358 418 487 527–528 562–563 587 606 621–622 633
73 359 419 488–489 529 564 588–589 607 623 634–635
74 360 420 490 530 565–566 590 608–609 624–625 636
75 361 421 491 531–532 567 591–592 610 626–627 637
76 361 422–423 492–493 533 568 593 611–612 628 638
77 362 424 494 534–535 569–570 594–595 613 629 639
78 363 425–426 495–496 536 571 596 614–615 630–631 640–641
79 364–365 427 497 537–538 572–573 597–598 616 632 642
80 366 428–429 498–499 539–540 574–575 599 617–618 633 643
81 367 430–431 500–501 541 576 600–601 619 634–635 644–645
82 368–369 432–433 502–503 542–543 577–578 602 620–621 636 646
83 370 434–435 504 544–545 579–580 603–604 622–623 637 647–648
84 371 436–438 505–506 546–547 581–582 605–606 624 638–639 649–650
85 372–373 439–441 507–508 548–549 583–584 607–608 625–626 640 651
86 374–375 442–444 509–510 550–552 585–586 609–610 627–628 641–642 652–653
87 376 445–447 511–512 553–554 587–588 611–612 629–630 643–644 654–655
88 377–378 448–450 513–515 555–556 589–590 613–614 631–632 645–646 656
89 379–380 451–453 516–517 557–559 591–592 615–616 633–634 647–648 657–658
90 381–383 454–456 518–520 560–562 593–595 617–618 635–636 649–650 659–660
91 384–385 457–460 521–523 563–564 596–597 619–621 637–639 651–653 661–663
92 386–389 461–463 524–526 565–567 598–600 622–624 640–641 654–655 664–665
93 390–392 464–467 527–529 568–570 601–603 625–627 642–644 656–658 666–668
94 393–397 468–471 530–533 571–574 604–606 628–631 645–647 659–661 669–671
95 398–401 472–476 534–537 575–578 607–610 632–634 648–651 662–664 672–675
96 402–406 477–484 538–543 579–583 611–615 635–638 652–655 665–668 676–679
97 407–413 485–491 544–550 584–589 616–621 639–643 656–660 669–673 680–685
98 414–423 492–504 551–560 590–598 622–631 644–650 661–667 674–681 686–692
99 424–800 505–800 561–800 599–800 632–800 651–800 668–800 682–800 693–800

Winter 2024-2025 i-Ready Diagnostic Scores By Grade in Reading (Percentiles).

Below is Table 2, which shows the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading percentile-to-score conversion ranges by grade level for Diagnostics taken between November 16 and March 1. The analyses were based on the 2022–2023 academic year.

iReady Scores Percentile Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
1 100–294 100–320 100–342 100–357 100–373 100–387 100–397 100–404 100–413
2 295–302 321–333 343–356 358–375 374–392 388–410 398–425 405–433 414–448
3 303–307 334–340 357–366 376–387 393–406 411–426 426–446 434–457 449–468
4 308–312 341–346 367–373 388–395 407–417 427–442 447–459 458–470 469–482
5 313–317 347–351 374–379 396–401 418–425 443–454 460–470 471–480 483–495
6 318–320 352–356 380–385 402–406 426–432 455–462 471–478 481–490 496–505
7 321–323 357–359 386–390 407–411 433–442 463–471 479–485 491–499 506–513
8 324–326 360–362 391–394 412–416 443–450 472–477 486–493 500–506 514–517
9 327–328 363–365 395–398 417–421 451–456 478–482 494–499 507–512 518–521
10 329–330 366–368 399–402 422–424 457–461 483–487 500–504 513–516 522–526
11 331–332 369–370 403–405 425–428 462–465 488–493 505–510 517–519 527–531
12 333 371–372 406–407 429–432 466–470 494–498 511–513 520–522 532–535
13 334–335 373–375 408–410 433–437 471–474 499–502 514–516 523–526 536–539
14 336 376–377 411–413 438–442 475–478 503–505 517–518 527–530 540–543
15 337 378–379 414–416 443–447 479–481 506–510 519–521 531–533 544–546
16 338–339 380–381 417–419 448–451 482–484 511–512 522–523 534–537 547–549
17 340 382–383 420–422 452–454 485–487 513–514 524–526 538–540 550–553
18 341 384–385 423 455–457 488–491 515–516 527–529 541–543 554–556
19 342 386–388 424–425 458–460 492–494 517–518 530–532 544–545 557–559
20 343 389–390 426–427 461–462 495–497 519–520 533–535 546–548 560–561
21 344 391 428–429 463–465 498–499 521–522 536–537 549–551 562–564
22 345 392–393 430–431 466–468 500–502 523–524 538–539 552–553 565–567
23 346 394–395 432–433 469–471 503–504 525–526 540–542 554–556 568–569
24 347–348 396 434–435 472–473 505–507 527–528 543–544 557–558 570–571
25 349 397 436–437 474–475 508–511 529–530 545–546 559–560 572–573
26 350 398–399 438–439 476–477 512 531–532 547–548 561–562 574–576
27 351 400 440–442 478–479 513 533–534 549–550 563–564 577–578
28 352 401 443–445 480–481 514–515 535–536 551–552 565–566 579–580
29 353 402–403 446–450 482–483 516 537–538 553–554 567–568 581–582
30 354 404 451–453 484–485 517 539–540 555–556 569–570 583–584
31 355 405 454–455 486–487 518–519 541–542 557–558 571–572 585
32 356 406 456–458 488–489 520 543 559–560 573–574 586–587
33 356 407 459–460 490–491 521 544–545 561 575 588–589
34 357 408 461 492–494 522–523 546–547 562–563 576–577 590–591
35 358 409 462–463 495–496 524–525 548 564–565 578–579 592
36 359 410 464 497 526 549–550 566 580–581 593–594
37 360 411 465–466 498–499 527–528 551–552 567–568 582 595–596
38 360 412 467–468 500–501 529 553 569 583–584 597–598
39 361 413 469 502 530–531 554–555 570–571 585 599
40 362 414 470–471 503–504 532 556–557 572 586–587 600–601
41 363 415 472–473 505–506 533–534 558 573–574 588 602
42 364 416 474 507–509 535 559–560 575 589–590 603–604
43 365 416 475–476 510–511 536–537 561 576–577 591 605
44 366 417 477 512 538 562–563 578 592–593 606–607
45 367 418 478 513 539–540 564 579–580 594 608
46 367 419 479–480 514 541 565 581 595–596 609
47 368 420 481–482 515 542–543 566–567 582 597 610–611
48 369 421 483 516 544 568 583–584 598 612
49 370 422 484 517 545 569 585 599–600 613
iReady Scores Percentile Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
50 371 423 485–486 518 546–547 570–571 586–587 601 614
51 372 424 487 519 548 572 588 602 615
52 373 425 488 520 549–550 573 589 603–604 616
53 374 426 489 521 551 574 590 605 617–618
54 375 427 490 522 552–553 575–576 591–592 606 619
55 376 428–429 491 523–524 554 577 593 607–608 620
56 377 430 492–493 525 555–556 578 594 609 621
57 377 431 494 526–527 557 579–580 595–596 610 622
58 378 432–433 495 528 558 581 597 611 623–624
59 379 434–435 496 529 559–560 582 598 612 625
60 380 436 497–498 530 561 583–584 599 613 626
61 381 437–438 499 531–532 562–563 585 600–601 614 627
62 382 439–440 500 533 564 586 602 615–616 628–629
63 383–384 441–442 501–502 534 565 587 603 617 630
64 385 443 503 535–536 566 588–589 604 618 631
65 386 444–445 504 537 567–568 590 605–606 619 632
66 387 446–447 505 538 569 591 607 620–621 633
67 388 448 506 539–540 570 592–593 608 622 634
68 389–390 449–450 507–508 541 571 594 609 623–624 635
69 391 451 509 542 572–573 595 610–611 625 636
70 392 452–453 510 543–544 574 596–597 612 626 637
71 393 454 511–512 545 575 598 613 627–628 638
72 394–395 455 513 546 576–577 599 614 629 639
73 396 456–457 514 547–548 578 600–601 615–616 630 640
74 397 458 515–516 549–550 579–580 602 617 631 641–642
75 398 459–460 517 551 581 603 618–619 632 643
76 399 461–462 518–519 552–553 582 604–605 620 633–634 644
77 400 463 520 554–555 583–584 606 621 635 645
78 401 464–465 521–522 556 585 607–608 622–623 636 646–647
79 402 466 523 557–558 586–587 609 624–625 637 648
80 403–404 467–468 524–525 559–560 588 610–611 626 638–639 649
81 405 469–470 526–527 561–562 589–590 612 627–628 640 650–651
82 406 471–472 528 563 591–592 613–614 629 641 652
83 407–408 473–474 529–530 564–565 593 615 630–631 642–643 653–654
84 409 475–476 531–532 566–567 594–595 616–617 632–633 644 655
85 410 477–479 533–534 568 596–597 618–619 634 645–646 656–657
86 411–412 480–482 535–536 569–570 598–599 620 635–636 647–648 658
87 413 483–484 537–538 571–572 600–601 621–622 637 649–650 659–660
88 414 485–486 539–541 573–574 602–603 623–625 638–639 651–652 661–662
89 415 487–489 542–543 575–576 604–605 626–627 640–641 653–654 663–664
90 416–417 490–492 544–546 577–579 606–607 628–629 642–643 655–656 665–666
91 418–419 493–496 547–548 580–581 608–610 630–631 644–645 657–658 667–668
92 420–421 497–500 549–551 582–584 611–612 632–634 646–648 659–660 669–671
93 422–424 501–503 552–555 585–587 613–615 635–636 649–651 661–663 672–674
94 425–428 504–507 556–559 588–591 616–619 637–639 652–653 664–666 675–677
95 429–433 508–511 560–563 592–594 620–623 640–642 654–657 667–670 678–681
96 434–441 512–516 564–567 595–599 624–628 643–646 658–661 671–674 682–685
97 442–451 517–522 568–573 600–605 629–635 647–651 662–666 675–680 686–690
98 452–464 523–531 574–581 606–613 636–643 652–659 667–673 681–687 691–698
99 465–800 532–800 582–800 614–800 644–800 660–800 674–800 688–800 699–800

Note: Each row indicates the scaled score ranges associated with that percentile for students in Grades K–8. Percentiles range from 50 to 99 in this table.

Spring 2024-2025 i-Ready Diagnostic Scores By Grade in Reading (Percentiles).

Below is Table 3, which shows the Spring i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading percentile-to-score conversion ranges by grade level for Diagnostics taken between March 2 and the end of the school year. The analyses were based on the 2022–2023 academic year.

iReady Scores Percentile Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
1 100–303 100–333 100–353 100–365 100–379 100–390 100–403 100–407 100–418
2 304–313 334–345 354–368 366–383 380–399 391–415 404–431 408–440 419–454
3 314–322 346–354 369–378 384–394 400–413 416–432 432–453 441–462 455–473
4 323–328 355–360 379–386 395–403 414–424 433–449 454–465 463–476 474–486
5 329–332 361–365 387–393 404–410 425–433 450–459 466–476 477–485 487–499
6 333–336 366–370 394–399 411–417 434–444 460–468 477–483 486–497 500–509
7 337–339 371–374 400–404 418–422 445–452 469–476 484–492 498–504 510–515
8 340–342 375–378 405–409 423–427 453–459 477–482 493–499 505–511 516–519
9 343–344 379–382 410–413 428–432 460–464 483–488 500–505 512–515 520–524
10 345–347 383–385 414–418 433–439 465–470 489–494 506–511 516–519 525–530
11 348–349 386–389 419–422 440–444 471–474 495–499 512–514 520–522 531–535
12 350–351 390–392 423–424 445–450 475–478 500–503 515–516 523–526 536–539
13 352–353 393–395 425–428 451–454 479–482 504–508 517–519 527–530 540–543
14 354–355 396–397 429–430 455–458 483–485 509–512 520–522 531–534 544–547
15 356–357 398–399 431–433 459–461 486–489 513–514 523–525 535–538 548–550
16 358 400–401 434–436 462–465 490–493 515–516 526–528 539–541 551–554
17 359–360 402–403 437–440 466–468 494–497 517–518 529–531 542–544 555–557
18 361 404–405 441–444 469–472 498–500 519–520 532–534 545–547 558–560
19 362 406–407 445–449 473–474 501–503 521–522 535–537 548–550 561–563
20 363–364 408–409 450–453 475–477 504–505 523–525 538–540 551–553 564–566
21 365 410 454–456 478–479 506–509 526–527 541–542 554–556 567–568
22 366–367 411–412 457–459 480–482 510–512 528–530 543–545 557–558 569–571
23 368 413 460–461 483–484 513 531–532 546–547 559–560 572–573
24 369 414 462–463 485–486 514–515 533–534 548–549 561–563 574–575
25 370–371 415–416 464–465 487–489 516 535–537 550–552 564–565 576–577
26 372 417 466–467 490–491 517–518 538–539 553–554 566–567 578–580
27 373 418 468–469 492–494 519 540–541 555–556 568–569 581–582
28 374 419–420 470–471 495–496 520–521 542–543 557–558 570–571 583–584
29 375 421 472–473 497–498 522 544–545 559–560 572–573 585–586
30 376–377 422–423 474–475 499–500 523–524 546 561–562 574–575 587–588
31 378 424 476–477 501–502 525–526 547–548 563–564 576–577 589
32 379 425–426 478 503–504 527–528 549–550 565 578–579 590–591
33 380 427 479–480 505–506 529–530 551–552 566–567 580 592–593
34 381 428–429 481–482 507–509 531 553–554 568–569 581–582 594–595
35 382–383 430 483 510–511 532–533 555–556 570 583–584 596–597
36 384 431–432 484 512 534–535 557 571–572 585–586 598
37 385 433–434 485–486 513 536–537 558–559 573 587 599–600
38 386 435–436 487 514 538 560–561 574–575 588–589 601–602
39 387–388 437–438 488 515–516 539–540 562 576–577 590 603
40 389 439–440 489–490 517 541 563–564 578 591–592 604–605
41 390 441–442 491 518 542–543 565 579–580 593 606
42 391 443 492 519 544 566–567 581 594–595 607–608
43 392–393 444–445 493–494 520 545–546 568 582–583 596 609
44 394 446 495 521 547–548 569–570 584 597–598 610
45 395 447–448 496 522–523 549 571 585–586 599 611–612
46 396 449 497 524 550–551 572 587 600–601 613
47 397 450–451 498–499 525–526 552 573–574 588 602 614
48 398 452 500 527 553–554 575 589–590 603 615
49 398 453 501 528 555 576 591 604–605 616
iReady Scores Percentile Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
50 399 454 502 529–530 556–557 577–578 592 606 617–618
51 400 455 503 531 558 579 593–594 607 619
52 401 456 504–505 532 559–560 580–581 595 608–609 620
53 402 457–458 506 533–534 561 582 596 610 621
54 403 459 507 535 562 583 597–598 611 622
55 404 460 508 536–537 563–564 584–585 599 612 623–624
56 405 461 509 538 565 586 600 613 625
57 406 462–463 510–511 539 566 587 601 614 626
58 407 464 512 540 567–568 588 602 615–616 627
59 408 465 513 541–542 569 589–590 603–604 617 628–629
60 409 466 514 543 570 591 605 618 630
61 410 467 515–516 544 571 592 606 619 631
62 410 468 517 545–546 572–573 593 607–608 620–621 632
63 411 469–470 518 547 574 594–595 609 622 633
64 412 471 519 548 575 596 610 623–624 634
65 413 472–473 520–521 549–550 576 597 611 625 635
66 414 474 522 551–552 577–578 598–599 612 626 636
67 414 475–476 523 553 579 600 613–614 627–628 637
68 415 477 524 554 580 601 615 629 638
69 416 478–479 525–526 555–556 581–582 602 616 630 639
70 416 480 527 557 583 603–604 617–618 631 640
71 417 481–482 528 558–559 584–585 605 619 632 641
72 418 483 529–530 560 586 606 620 633 642
73 419 484–485 531 561–562 587 607–608 621 634 643–644
74 420 486 532–533 563 588–589 609 622–623 635–636 645
75 421 487–488 534 564–565 590 610 624 637 646
76 422 489 535–536 566 591 611–612 625–626 638 647
77 423–424 490–491 537 567 592–593 613 627 639 648–649
78 425 492–493 538–539 568–569 594 614–615 628–629 640 650
79 426 494–495 540 570 595–596 616 630 641–642 651
80 427–428 496–497 541–542 571–572 597 617–618 631–632 643 652–653
81 429 498–499 543 573 598–599 619 633 644 654
82 430–431 500–501 544–545 574–575 600–601 620–621 634 645–646 655–656
83 432–433 502–503 546–547 576–577 602 622 635–636 647 657
84 434–436 504 548–549 578–579 603–604 623–624 637 648–649 658
85 437–439 505–506 550–551 580 605–606 625–626 638–639 650–651 659–660
86 440–441 507–508 552–553 581–582 607–608 627–628 640–641 652 661–662
87 442–444 509–510 554–555 583–584 609–610 629–630 642 653–654 663
88 445–447 511–512 556–557 585–587 611–612 631 643–644 655–656 664–665
89 448–450 513–514 558–559 588–589 613–614 632–633 645–646 657–658 666–667
90 451–452 515–516 560–562 590–591 615–616 634–635 647–648 659–660 668–670
91 453–455 517–519 563–564 592–594 617–619 636–638 649–651 661–662 671–672
92 456–459 520–522 565–567 595–596 620–621 639–640 652–653 663–665 673–675
93 460–463 523–525 568–570 597–599 622–626 641–643 654–655 666–668 676–678
94 464–467 526–529 571–573 600–603 626–629 644–645 656–658 669–671 679–681
95 468–472 530–533 574–577 604–607 630–633 646–649 659–662 672–675 682–685
96 473–478 534–537 578–581 608–612 634–638 650–653 663–666 676–679 686–689
97 479–487 538–543 582–587 613–618 639–644 654–659 667–671 680–685 690–695
98 488–499 544–551 588–595 619–626 645–654 660–668 672–679 686–693 696–702
99 500–800 552–800 596–800 627–800 655–800 669–800 680–800 694–800 703–800

i-Ready Diagnostic National Norms for Reading and Mathematics, Grades K–8 (2024–2025)

Overview for Families

The i-Ready Diagnostic is a test that helps teachers understand how students are progressing in reading and mathematics. By comparing a student’s score with scores from students all over the country, teachers see where each child is performing on a national scale. These comparison scores are called norms or percentile ranks.

Why Are There New Norms?

The 2024–2025 norms replace those used from 2020–2021 through 2023–2024. Much like how a pediatrician adjusts growth charts over time, Curriculum Associates updates i-Ready Diagnostic norms to keep them current and accurate. These updated norms use recent data from the 2022–2023 school year. Curriculum Associates regularly checks to see if new norms are needed, ensuring they reflect the latest information.

What Do Norms Tell You?

Norms measure how your child’s performance compares with other students nationwide.
If your child’s percentile rank is 90 on a fall Diagnostic, that means they scored higher than 90% of students in a representative national group who also took the fall test.
Norms are just one way to understand your child’s progress. They show how well your child is doing relative to other students. Another way is by looking at criterion-referenced scores, which show your child’s performance in relation to grade-level standards.

Where to Find Norms in i-Ready.

These percentile ranks appear in several i-Ready reports, such as:

Diagnostic Results (Class) report
Diagnostic Results (Student) report
Diagnostic Results export

When Are iReady Norms Applied?

The i-Ready Diagnostic has three testing windows where norms are used:

  • Fall Norming Window: Start of the school year through November 15
  • Winter Norming Window: November 16 through March 1
  • Spring Norming Window: March 2 through the end of the school year

Your child’s percentile rank depends on the window in which they take the test (fall, winter, or spring), so you might see different percentile ranks for the same overall score at different times of the year.

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